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Martin Aylward
Moulin resident and founding teacher Martin Aylward began dharma practice and study aged 19, spending several years in Asian monasteries and with Himalayan hermits. Teaching worldwide since 1999, Martin co-founded the Mindfulness Training Institute and the online dharma community Sangha Live. He is married with two adult children. Living full time at the Moulin with his wife Gail, Martin integrates dharma into daily life with programs like Work Sex Money Dharma. His latest book is Awake Where You Are (2021)
Upcoming Programs by Martin Aylward

Conscience, Réalité et Libération: Un chemin intégral de transformation
Also With Christine Küpfer Warrand - Assistante
May 4 - 10, 2025
Langue: FrançaisUne semaine de méditation intensive et silencieuse permet de découvrir et de developper votre pratique de manière puissante et focalisée.
La retraite est ouverte et adaptée aux débutant.e.s, ainsi qu’aux pratiquant.e.s confirmé.e.s.
(La retraite se déroulera en silence. Elle est conforme aux critères nécessaires pour celleux qui suivent une formation d’Instructeur MBSR ou MTI)

BREADTH AND DEPTH: A 13 day retreat for experienced practitioners
June 9 - 21, 2025
Language: English2 weeks for experienced meditators who have already sat silent meditation retreats. We’ll go deeply into dharma teachings on the habits and nature of mind which underpin meditative practice and experience. The first 10 days will emphasise sustained, silent meditation, both in group form and with time for individual practice, supported by Martin’s teachings and guidance.
(This retreat conforms to the criteria necessary for Mindfulness Instructors in Training).

Awake Where You Are : Through meditation, embodied movement and inquiry practices
Also With Gail Aylward
July 14 - 19, 2025
Language: EnglishThis week will offer practices and qualities of presence, relaxation and deep curiosity, that as we practice may also highlight the ways we are not present, and contactful, how we lose ourselves in defences and distractions, lost in thought, lost in habits. We’ll explore conditioned habits and beliefs, seeing how they can be recognised, understood and transformed, with the invitation of calling ourselves back home in each moment ((This retreat will be held in silence. It conforms to the criteria necessary for Mindfulness Instructors in Training).

Une libération radicale
Also With Sandrine Rauter
July 21 - 27, 2025
Langue: FrançaisLâcher-prise est au cœur de toute pratique de pleine conscience qui vise la libération radicale d'une vie sans peur, sans peine et sans problème. Face aux incertitudes de nos vies personnelles, de nos sociétés et de l'écosystème fragile de notre planète, la compréhension et la maîtrise du lâcher-prise sont de plus en plus cruciales.
(La retraite se déroulera en silence. Elle est conforme aux critères nécessaires pour celleux qui suivent une formation d’Instructeur MBSR ou MTI)

Earth Below and Sky Above: A Meditation and Qigong Retreat
Also With Mimi Kuo-Deemer
August 9 - 15, 2025
Language: EnglishQigong is a Chinese energy cultivation practice with Daoist and Buddhist roots, using slow, circular, fluid movements. Practiced with meditation and Dharma teachings, it awakens us to the matrix and flow of life within and around us, cultivating physical spaciousness and ease while deepening our capacity for embodied presence. Open to all levels and abilities.(This retreat will be held in silence. It conforms to the criteria necessary for Mindfulness Instructors in Training).

Ouvert et Libre : Mindfulness, bienveillance et la conscience libérée
Also With Elena Zahariev - Assistante
October 13 - 19, 2025
Langue: FrançaisLa pratique de la Mindfulness est surtout orientée vers la libération de la conscience, une compréhension qui va au-delà du conceptuel, et une profonde guérison des anciens schémas. La conscience libérée est telle qu’elle peut accueillir, explorer et vivre toute expérience sans compulsion, sans contraction, sans confusion.
(La retraite est conforme aux critères nécessaires pour ceux qui suivent une formation d’Instructeur MBSR)