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Meditation, Yoga & Breaking free from Trans Generational Patterns with Family constellations

Avec Gail Aylward et Nicola Dunn

05/08/2024 - 10/08/2024

TO BOOK YOUR PLACE: Please register for the event and pay the teaching fee via the link provided, then book your accommodation.


ACCOMMODATION: Once you have registered for the event and paid the teaching fee, you will receive a link enabling you to book your accommodation at Le Moulin.

  • Petite Chambre partagée 2 personnes SDB partagée – €385.00
  • Tente du Moulin deux personnes – €385.00
  • Chambre partagée 3 personnes SDB partagée – €435.00
  • Chambre partagée 2 ou 3 personnes SDB partagée – €435.00
  • Tente du Moulin individuelle – €485.00
  • Cabane individuelle SDB partagée – €485.00
  • Chambre individuelle SDB partagée – €535.00
  • Chambre Individuelle SDB privée – €610.00
  • Chambre individuelle Metta (accès fauteuil roulant) – €610.00
  • Chambre à 2 personnes avec salle de bains privée – €560.00

Veuillez noter que le règlement est par personne. Si vous réservez une place en chambre ou en tente partagée, et si vous venez avec votre partenaire, la personne avec qui vous partagez devra également réserver et régler sa place dans les plus brefs délais.

Language: ENGLISH

Meditation, Yoga & Breaking Free from Trans-generation patterns.

Have you ever felt that something is holding you back from flourishing in your current life? Perhaps you have tried a lot of different things, yet despite your best efforts, you still remain stuck or unable to move forward in certain aspects of your life, whether that be work, family or relationships in general?

Then this week is for you. A powerful combination of meditation & yoga practices, coupled with Personal/Family constellations, that will support you to ground in the present, whilst healing past transgenerational trauma.

Every morning, Gail will start the day with silent meditation, gentle, mindful yoga and restorative postures to invite a relaxing of our minds and bodies as we reconnect with ourselves in a gentle, kind and intimate way.

In the afternoons, Nicola will lead whole group constellations which have the power to reveal the hidden blocks in your current life, to trace their origins back to an ancestral trauma, to heal what has been secretly broken and to support you to step forward in a new way with confidence.

The combination of silence, embodiment practices, and family constellations will provide the opportunity to sink deeper and understand from the inside out the issues that have held you back.

Depending on the size of the group, not everyone may get, or even want, their own constellation. However, the themes that come up have the potential to provide healing for everyone present.

This retreat is open to everyone, beginners and experienced practitioners in meditation, yoga, and Family constellations work. Welcome!

À propos des Enseignants

Gail Aylward

Gail pratique la méditation depuis de nombreuses années, commençant en 1994 par une retraite silencieuse de 10 jours en Inde, Bodhgaya, le lieu sacré où le Bouddha a été illuminé. Deux ans plus tôt, alors qu'elle vivait et travaillait à Londres, et enceinte de son premier enfant, Gail a suivi son premier cours de Hatha […]

En savoir plus sur Gail Aylward

Nicola Dunn

Nicola first qualified as an integrative psychotherapist in 1992 and then went on to study systemic and group psychotherapy, family, personal & organisational constellations, supervision and coaching. She has run constellations workshops in London and Internationally since 2005 and co-founded the Constellations Academy in 2015. Over her years of therapeutic practice, including consulting for a […]

En savoir plus sur Nicola Dunn

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