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Insight Inside us

With Bob Stahl and Geneviève Hamelet

August 16 - 23, 2025

ACCOMMODATION: Once you have booked your place with the ADM, you will receive a link allowing you to book your room at the Moulin


  • Camping (own tent) – €465.00
  • 2 person Moulin Tent, communal bathrooms – €535.00
  • 3 person Room, communal bathrooms – €535.00
  • 2 person Room, communal bathrooms – €605.00
  • Single Moulin Tent, communal bathrooms – €675.00
  • Single Cabin, communal bathrooms – €745.00
  • Single room, communal bathrooms – €745.00
  • Single en-suite room with wheelchair access – €850.00
  • Single en-suite room – €850.00

Please note that participants who are not able to attend a full retreat will not receive a refund for arriving late or leaving early.

Languages: English and French

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is rooted in wisdom principles that promote greater awareness of stress and the investigation of its origins.

This 7-day retreat will explore, through direct experience, the Vipassana (Deep Vision or Intuitive Wisdom) tradition from which MBSR draws part of its deep roots.

Through mindfulness meditation as taught in MBSR, engagement in body practices, exploration of perception and reactive mechanisms, participants empower themselves to contribute to their own health and well-being, cultivating a continuity of practice that engenders stability, tranquility and focus. Evening presentations highlight key elements in the causes and relief of stress, pain and suffering. Individual and group discussions enable participants to share their meditation practice, offering them support in deepening their understanding and strengthening their personal practice.

This retreat is an important experiential learning experience for all those who wish to turn towards life in all its richness. For those who wish to teach MBSR, or who are already teaching it, this retreat offers the opportunity for an essential experience, since it is through the depth of our own practice that we are able to support others.


Details to follow

We ask that you first reserve your place with the ADM. Once you have booked your place with the ADM, you will receive a link allowing you to book your room at the Moulin.

About the Teachers

Bob Stahl

Bob Stahl a implanté le programme MBSR dans 7 centres médicaux de la région de San Francisco et l’enseigne actuellement dans deux hôpitaux. Il a notamment été formateur confirmé pour l’Institut Oasis, le centre de formation professionnelle du Center for Mindfulness de l’Université du Massuchusetts. Il est co-auteur de 5 livres, dont  "Apprendre à méditer ", […]

Learn more about Bob Stahl

Geneviève Hamelet

Geneviève Hamelet est sophrologue Caycedienne de formation, instructrice et formatrice MBSR certifiée par le CFM/UMass et MC@Brown et a été formée au programme MBCT. Elle est également instructrice IMP (Programme de Pleine Conscience Interpersonnelle), co-fondatrice de l’ADM et de l’IMF (Initiative Mindfulness France), membre du GMC (Global Mindfulness Collaborative). Elle pratique la méditation depuis une trentaine d’année […]

Learn more about Geneviève Hamelet

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